Tuesday, November 15, 2005

That's me folding straw stars for the gigantic Coke bottle.

The result is:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah..so nice~....wah.....how long u take to make?

4:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two days nia. haha

12:15 pm  
Blogger Jonathan Jong said...

Technophobic as I am, I can't for the life of me find the profile on connectingstars.blogspot.com. Neither could I figure out how to post a comment. Which is both why I'm here and why my own blog is impoverished technologically. But I digress. My blog-thingee recently notified me that connectingstars linked to my site and it showed me a little blurb. Apparently you mentioned Youth Convention which now piques my interest. The question, after the preamble is: Who are you?

And I think I was playing God in the Jonah skit. Lol. Drop me a line either on the blog or my email. emailjonhere@gmail.com. Great to re-meet people I know online.


9:37 am  

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