Monday, November 28, 2005


Bobo chewing a bone. Doesn't he look like the young Scooby?

Bobo and Pluto

Or is it Apple?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


At Coca, Pyramid feasting on a sumptious delicious whatevercious steamboat buffet on Mich's birthday. Man, it wasn't cheap. And gosh I really have many tales to tell about this outing. We all went out separately. Mich was the last to arrive. She actually fell flat down on the bridge when she unboarded the mini bus on the way to the commuter station.

Block V/W

This is Intec, Campus Section 17 in Shah Alam. Took this using my phone during one of the hazy days that ended up with declared off days. I remember when I just started classes here, it was like a war-torn zone (quoted from Mr Bhanu, my former English lecturer). The reconstruction of this 'war-torn' building lasted for a few months. The result is - more concrete, less greenery, neater, newer, a-canteen-added place!

Scooby standing up?

Rare to see Scooby in upright position, my cameraphone was slow, and I snapped it hastily.
JD and I at UiTM main campus (Section 2). It was my first time there. Huge campus, some call it 'uphill' because it's hilly there. We went there for quite a silly reason - to sit for Ethics (in other words, PPI - Pengajian Pendidikan Islam?) semester-end paper. And oh yes, this is our dress code. It's an absolute NO NO for short-sleeved tops. You need to cover practically everything!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Pluto Longyan!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

That's me folding straw stars for the gigantic Coke bottle.

The result is:

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Whoa. In the jungle? WOooOoOoOooO
Very fake, thanks to my sis who has nothing better to do but to explore all these photo editing techniques (she's only 11, by the way). I can be standing in front of Mt KK but pretending I am in front of the Sydney Opera House. Hahahaha..
Helo there.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Beautiful, ain't it? The slight shade of light in the midst of a blue sky.
JD's house in Putrajaya. Classy place, certainly.
Two fury roses in the room.

Do I look like a white ghost during our steamboat makan at Yuen, Sunway?