Sunday, May 30, 2004

I've been to Shanghai! This is the only photo to proof I've been there because the camera gave me three rolls of damaged photos, much to my disbelief and disappointment. However, I think this one turned out alright because of the lights behind. See the Pearl of Orient Tower(or something by the name like that? Can't actually remember the exact name!) In this pic, I'm at the Old Bund, the older side of Shanghai. The opposite side is the modern part which looks like New York City. Shanghai is such a crowded place.. nowhere before have I seen so many Chinese people! Too bad I couldn't communicate well there, they don't understand my simple and broken mandarin. Arrgghkkss. But to wrap it up, it was really an eye opener because it was my first trip out of the Southeast Asia. Yess... I'm not rich, can't afford to go many places. Posted by Hello


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