Monday, May 31, 2004

My chemistry group mates for practical in fifth form. From left; Yiik San, Pui Wen, Angel, me and Lily.  Posted by Hello

This is a scanned in bookmark my English teacher gave us during my third form. She was also our form teacher, who continuously encouraging us to do the best for PMR. Her ways to boost up our confidence were pretty childish, yet I very much enjoyed the times I had in 3T1. Now, there are only shredded pieces of memories in my mind, but I do feel a few years younger when my thoughts land there. Posted by Hello

Depicting my messy former bedroom. This is how my sad bedroom looks like few weeks before we moved out. I was quite heavy hearted to leave this house, having to stay there five years already... and now vivid memories flowing back into my mind; I recall the first time I stepped into the house, despising every single corner of it and refused to sleep there for over a week. Funny how it seems people change.. Posted by Hello

That's Syl and that's me (no need to tell which one is who, everyone knows Syl is the prettier one). We are sitting on the stage in the school hall. The reason sometimes I suffer from inferiority because every single photo I take with her, I look real bad in it. Too contrasting, as you can see.. because she's a real charming beauty. And this photo.. I think it was taken during some Leo activity, and there we have; Leo Vice President and Leo Secretary. Posted by Hello

Hey, who's that girl in white? It's me.. the 1993 version of me getting baptised. Notice my sis has the same dress like mine, we had them tailored-made. Whoaa.. back then, I had no idea what baptism is all about and I was actually laughing my head off when I was baptised. It was really a humiliating thing to do in front of the pastor and my parents.. nobody giggles so much during a baptism service. The irony about this is that, I was baptised in 1993, but I only got my certificate of baptism earlier this year. After more than a decade!! Posted by Hello

I think they are some popstar wannabes, posing as if they are shooting for their latest album cover. The girl with black pants, Selene (formerly known as Sherlene.. I still refuse to call her Selene) is indeed good in singing and dancing. In fact, she's good in everything! Brilliant girl. The other girls? This is a mixture of my cousins and siblings. It's pretty easy to differentiate which ones are my sisters.. they are the rounder ones. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 30, 2004

From left: Lynn, the odd one who joined in the crowd when she moved to Miri in 1999. Lydia, neat-freak-cannot-stand-a-single-strand-of-hair girl who loves literature and Golden Retrievers. Joanne, in red, a great disciple of God who is gifted in piano and studies. Well, we were once really close friends but then sad to say, things have changed. Used to be in the same church, but again, things have changed. For better, perhaps. Lydia and I are now roommates in college, Joanne faraway in Perth. This photo was taken in September 2001, during our annual church camp in Niah National Park. Man, do I not miss those days.. Posted by Hello

I've been to Shanghai! This is the only photo to proof I've been there because the camera gave me three rolls of damaged photos, much to my disbelief and disappointment. However, I think this one turned out alright because of the lights behind. See the Pearl of Orient Tower(or something by the name like that? Can't actually remember the exact name!) In this pic, I'm at the Old Bund, the older side of Shanghai. The opposite side is the modern part which looks like New York City. Shanghai is such a crowded place.. nowhere before have I seen so many Chinese people! Too bad I couldn't communicate well there, they don't understand my simple and broken mandarin. Arrgghkkss. But to wrap it up, it was really an eye opener because it was my first trip out of the Southeast Asia. Yess... I'm not rich, can't afford to go many places. Posted by Hello

I miss my juniors! The camp was not entirely flawless, but it was a good one. I miss talking to them, giving them my positive advices, telling them why and how they should appreciate being in fourth form etc etc. It's fun to have them all as juniors. Unlike other seniors, I was out not to bully or make their life miserable, but throughout the camp, I was trying to make them think we seniors were not as cruel as they think we were. I gave all my signatures away FREE! That's one sweet memory. From left; Anisha, Jocelyn, Joanne, Jin Hsien and Lynda. Lovely girls. Posted by Hello

The joy of Christmas is in the air! That's the difference I spotted in Christian countries. They can sing and dance barefooted on the streets, and even dressing up as a christmas tree! We, obviously, acting like some fascinated tourists, quickly took the opportunity to pose with them. Good shot eh? Posted by Hello

Okay, call me ridiculous but I just cherish the very moment in Lower Hutt Community Library when my cousin Ning found this book (I simply asked her.. not expecting the book to be in the library after all). It had been years (three years, to be exact) since I last loved this swimmer so much I gathered so much info about him. Thought of getting this book, but I knew it was not a good investment, so I ended up forgetting about the wish. And then blurpppsss.. in Lower Hutt I found this book! Actually, there are only coloured photos in the book, nothing much really but it was a sort of achievement for me to being able to hold the book in my very own hands. Posted by Hello

This is the scenario during the red carpert LOTR premier. How could I squeeze and stand tall among those kiwis? They even have ladders!  Posted by Hello

Hey, that's me at Courtenay Place for the Return of The King world premier. Yess... this is purely no joke. I am so proud of it (even though I only got to see the head of Orlando Bloom, Peter Jackson, Elijah Wood and maybe Sir Gandalf's... man, those kiwis are tall and even standing up on the sitting bench didn't help much. The red carpet was great.. this whole experience an eye-opener to me.  Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 29, 2004

My little brother in camp! His name is Shien Juin. He's the top boy in his year, much to my pride. Also Mr Treasurer in the infamous Leo Club of our school. Plays tennis and has small eyes. I remember talking to him whole night during the camp.. and he was so scared we would bring him to the graveyard.  Posted by Hello

Notice my purple eyes!! See carefully.. I really once had purple eyes, no kidding. But ugh, I notice my eyelids do not look the same. Infact I have triple eyelid on my left eye.  Posted by Hello

Tell me, don't they look like sisters? One is a brilliant young girl, another is a rich kid corrupting her mind. OOppsss.. I am not supposed to be that harsh on my words. But well, this elder girl is influencing the younger one to play more of the ugly Bratz doll. Yeah.. the doll where you can pull of its feet to change its shoes. Interesting, eh? Posted by Hello

One of the finale pics taken in Wellington during my one-month stay there. This is Jas's room. Look behind; LOTR poster! Seriously, we were that crazy to go to the Post Shop to grab these freebies. Jas's room is small, but wonderful.. look at the colour blend, it's so sunshine-feeling and you won't feel that cold in her room. Okay, that's me posing with the peace sign on the headphone and Jas looking into the camera. Cheese! Posted by Hello

SARS freaked us all out April last year. We were on our trip to KK and decided it was extra cool to pose with our masks. So there you have it, three girls (mind you, two with straightened hair) thinking they look good in masks. *Roars with laughters*. The good old days.  Posted by Hello

Twelve years after the three-girl picture taken, we took another picture during the year 2002 chinese new year. Did we change? In height, perhaps. Posted by Hello

Hey, that's me in white, but what in the world was I doing curling my hands over the blue-shirt girl which happens to be my elder sis? And what was she doing holding a calendar? Ridiculous sisters who turn out to be.. (hopefully) doctors in five, six years time! By the way, that was in Sarikei. Wonderful small town. Posted by Hello
The three girls aged three to five. From left, doggie we called Good Boy, Jasmine the cousin nearest to my age, Wei my sister and finally, the round (okay.. fat!) girl is me. Don't ask me why I wore such a dress.. I've got no idea why! Posted by Hello

Introducing... Miss Walnut! She's looking far ahead time, visioning what is to come.. Isn't that real cool? Alright, not all that cool. She's round.. or plump.. or (alright, admit it) fat. Posted by Hello