Friday, May 27, 2005

(Temporary) desk for my (oops.. not mine, actually) laptop.  Posted by Hello

My current (temporary) desk for study at home. Yes, messy, you can nickname it. The cd player there has been a great help, except that I've grown bored of my cd collection lately. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

My ghostly pictures - new edition! Posted by Hello

Haven't been taking many photos lately.. I'm still eyeing the new Sony Cybershot.. the superslim one. Til then, no pics from me? hehe Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I think my hair looks a little longer and straighter here. Posted by Hello

*Speechless* Posted by Hello

Promoting Kemaman Kopitiam, obviously. Posted by Hello

There is a monkey!! That's Tmn Teruntum in Kuantan. A place full of pathetic animals including chickens!! Posted by Hello

I love taking pictures with Mich because it makes me look fair when I am beside her. Muahahahhahahahahahaha!!  Posted by Hello

Once upon a time.... there was a fisherman! Hahaha.. story telling time or photo posing time? Posted by Hello

This is Wowe (Russian medic under Mara) playing drums. Notice he put his handphone on one of the drums! Posted by Hello

With Pastor Kevin and his wife-to-be, Esther. Posted by Hello

Guess where is this? Guess guess guess. These two are my close friends; WS and HM. Both West Malaysians. Both as crazy and as compatible me and to the SuperbSix gang. Muahahahaha Posted by Hello

In the middle of the night.... Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Um..ummm..ummm.. Posted by Hello