Monday, March 28, 2005


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Easter celebration with a play entitled 'Thomas'. Turnout wasn't that bad.. more than sixty Intecians.

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The ushers of CA has their own uniform! Hehehe.. nah, actually, it's the DUMC 25th anniversary shirt.

Crazy girls

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The four crazy foursome who laugh too loud at most times. Actually, there are a couple more not in this photo.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Hehhee.. I am stealing a photo from elsewhere. I really find this place really homely and comfy (never been there though). Noisette went there for a camp recently. It is situated on Cameron Highlands. Nice! Posted by Hello

The Free2Be night rally I attended at SIB Canada Hill. It is amazing to see these young people so alive for Jesus. Man, it does feel a little different when it's back at home. So many malay songs we sang.. but that's the nice thing about it. So multiracial and diversed back at home. To the teens out there, BRAVO! All the way, people! I do feel reminded of my younger days in ISCF. Posted by Hello

Friday, March 11, 2005

Have I blogged this photo? Can Posted by Hello

The Wei, Mimi and Beep at airport. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

At Janice's house, Scooby's brother's house. Posted by Hello