Saturday, February 12, 2005

Brandy aka O-o aka Chihuahua??

Before I forget, Brandy is quite a big dog now. Does she look like a dalmation? Or german sherperd? She's a mixture of both.

Earlier on..

When Lynthia invited a whole bunch of friends over..

Look at Scooby!

The twenty-year-old girls

Some more of lion dance day

Bullied by Mr Lion

Just look at Abel's face! Hahha

Scooby seems happy too.

When the lion visits

Ahhhhh *scared*

Scooby vs Mr Chinese Lion

Alright, now not that scared.

Battle of the lions, and we earned a free show. Muahahhaa

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Happy CNY 2005

Hosted by

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A hah!

Hosted by


The cyber cafe corner comprises of three laptops and two home pcs. Enough to satisfied the kids. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Oh, the fireworks

After the reunion dinner, we went on to play with the fireworks.

And my attempt to take some nice pics when the fireworks were launched up into the skies.

Makan-makan time

With the 80bucks pig

We were quite enthusiastic to snap photos with the PIG, Ning's birthday present from her friends.

With the kids and pig

With sis and pig

With Mimi and pig

Myself and Mr Pig!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Morning with Scooby

Watching Scooby eat bone! Could not get too near to him because he's really quite possesive over the bone.

Hey.. thought this might be a nice shot. Heh heh. Realised how few photos I have with Scooby.


These are the labels for some of my sister's and my shirts for this Chinese New Year.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Our 3rd generation

At the Taman Awam. I really think Bel, Veep and Mimi are going to be very pretty they are grown up.

They are not so much 'kids' anymore. Oh dear, we are changing labels to adults and them to teenagers.

And now the 'young adults' group.

And all of us together but minus the missing-in-action Veep who was in the loo.