Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Same shirt kinda thing. Got a cheap deal at Chic Avenue. Muahahaa. Posted by Hello

The birthday girl and her cake behind (she actually broke the knife when trying to cut the cake! lol).  Posted by Hello

The adults during Jas's birthday dinner. Posted by Hello

The cousins who are in the age group of 18 to 22. From left Ning, Jas, Xuan and Wei. Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Don't know who took this photo but I suspect they were really bullying Scooby and to the extend of making Scooby looks rather retarded in this pic. BLeeahhhs.  Posted by Hello

Jas's Creative jukebox (30Gb, btw) was on air all night long.  Posted by Hello

The other side of the study room... Ning my cousin was using my laptop. Posted by Hello

Jas on the computer, and this is our study room. Posted by Hello

We slept in the study room last night. This is our sleeping place.  Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Hehehee... the vet says Scooby has the German Sherperd blood in him. The way he barks is different too. Posted by Hello

Aiiihhh it's not easy to make Scooby look straight at the camera.  Posted by Hello

Look here lahhh... Posted by Hello

Yes I was bored while waiting so snapped some photos of Scooby. Cute dog!! Posted by Hello

At McD yesterday. This is only 60% of Group A. The eldest is working. The third one is coming back tomorrow. Posted by Hello

Have a peek into my closet! Posted by Hello

Part of my bed looks like this. Bible which I read before I sleep, my spects box, alarm clock, handphone for a double dose of alarm and a pack of tissues in case I cry. Nah.. I don't cry that easily. Posted by Hello

My breakfast every morning; hot Cadbury chocolate. My dose of caffeine every afternoon or evening; the coffeemix. Posted by Hello

Messy desk.. 30% of the space used up to put things like boxes, bottles etc. Posted by Hello

I didn't (and still don't) quite get it why my friends wanted so much ketchup. I think they most probably find satisfaction in wasting it to feel that what they consume was value for money.  Posted by Hello

Friday, January 21, 2005

Scooby's first bday. Yes, the cake is for him and he actually blew the candles with a breath. And oh yeah.. ate the icing top of the cake. Posted by Hello

Scooby didn't realise Dad was taking photo of him. This was taken at night when he was looking out for enemies attacking. Haha.. crap. Posted by Hello

Blur pic. Posted by Hello

Makan at McD the Wed before I flew back. Recognise anyone here? There are all ALM5M2, 3 and 4 students in the ever-sad Intec. Posted by Hello

My friends think I look horrible with this nail colour. Mum thinks it's more suitable for the prostitutes. I have no comment. Didn't have nail polish remover so had to bear with the colour for the time being. Posted by Hello

Honestly it's rare to find me taking photos with a guy alone. So this is one... well, I don't think I I look too short (yes I know I am short, though) here. Hahaha Posted by Hello