Friday, December 31, 2004

Cousins Jas and Sherp with *errrmmm*uumm* a camel? In the desert? Posted by Hello

Blur pic outside Biology lab. We are the only six chinese students in the all-girl ALM5M4. And yes, those are call baju kurungs we are wearing. Posted by Hello

My former room back when I used to stay at the police complex. It was bigger, with two beds, two desks, two wardrobes and a dressing table. Now my current room is downsized to one bed, one small desk and one wardrobe.  Posted by Hello

Miri city (soon...sooon... it's more like Miri City Resort 2005) view from Canada Hill, the formerly much-infested squatters area. Still very green?  Posted by Hello

Did I mention it was my first time falling in love with flowers? This was the last day of our KK trip last last Easter. And that was once upon a time in year 2003. Posted by Hello

A hah! This is a closer view.  Posted by Hello

Sakai at the bloated up chips packages due to the different air pressure at Kundasang. Posted by Hello

Last last Easter we went to KK for our much-awaited-we-really-think-we-deserve-it trip. And this was in the boat on the way to some small island. It was so funny. Syl did not sleep the night before, and was really sleepy the morning we left for the island trip. She was practically sleeping (aka closing her eyes and dreaming) while I held hands so that she would walk with us and not fall into the water or something. The sea was awesome! Clear blue and we could see fish swimming. So not like Miri's waters. Heh heh.
 Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Sis sent her photo back to us. That was how Christmas was celebrated by her over that other side. Posted by Hello

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Fast motion kind of photo.. Bleaks. Posted by Hello

Kungfu fighting? With a smile on your face? Way to go, girl! Posted by Hello

Friday, December 24, 2004

The singing Christmas tree all the way from London. Posted by Hello

The Aqua Heroes dance by the kids. Not too bad. There were doing swimming strokes all the time. Posted by Hello

Yay, all of them with their pressies. And where is another one? She's taking the photo. That's her home slipper. Muahahhahaha Posted by Hello

Mimi and her present.. which was from me. A santa hat! Posted by Hello

Lousy photography skill or lousy camera? Posted by Hello

And the tree itself (blur because I was laughing while snapping the pics). Posted by Hello

The seven presents under the tree before the exchange session. Posted by Hello

Merry Christmas!! Posted by Hello

Hehe.. homemade chicken popcorns. An attempt to fry these popcorns after KFC's chicken popcorn which happens to be not-so-cheap-eh.  Posted by Hello

And as for this photo, I could not quite perceive what were they doing at that time. However the below photos explained the dance they are planning for tonight. Posted by Hello

During the dance practise time. And Scooby, what are you doing??  Posted by Hello

A dance the kids have planned for tonight's Christmas dinner. And looks like Scooby is interested to join the dancing troupe too! Posted by Hello

Now they are all relaxing at the poolside. Pollies have swimming floats too! Bleaahhsss.. talk about kids these days. Posted by Hello

And there you go, the toys having fun in the pool. Errr... Minnie and Piglet are just add-ons. They do not come with the toy set. Piglet comes from Smarties and Minnie was a decor on a birthday cake. Notice the pink car which brought them all there.  Posted by Hello