Saturday, November 27, 2004

The ceiling looks neat too! Posted by Hello

Another bathroom of different colour scheme. Posted by Hello

Try the bathroom now.. Posted by Hello

This should be entrance into the mansion-like home. It looks so grand, needless to say. Posted by Hello

This looks like some expensive mansion to me! Doesn't it? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

That's me at (errr...) Pyramid's washroom. How silly.. quite crazy of two girls (Wenyi my friend and I) to take pics in the washroom.  Posted by Hello

She's also pretty, with her huge eyes and cute acts. Hahaa.. They are really cute kids who bright up my life during this boring holiday. Posted by Hello

Don't blame me for not warning you that this little girl would turn into a beauty one day. She's soooo cute, such a pretty and brilliant girl. Future doctor, I dare guarantee it. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Quite into Yves Rocher lately. It's quite cool.. not too pricey like I thought, therefore I guess I shall invest a lil in this product. Posted by Hello

Who would believe this is Scooby?? You have to believe it, trust me (even though I find it hard to believe myself)... Posted by Hello

Isn't she HOT?? Yo, yo, yo!! My cuzzie from few houses down the road. She's the president of Barbie's Club of 1992 or 1993 or 1994 or 1995 (yea.. guess it's '95 after all!!). Among the projects under the care of this Miss President are "Catching Fish cum Fisherman", "Colouring the Barbie book", "Special feature of Captain Planet", "Cooking Fiesta", "Mermaid World" ecetra ecetra. Now, isn't that interesting? Posted by Hello

I've just changed it to this photo instead. Do I look ghostly enough in this picture? Hehe.. has been corresponding with Qing Feng (I'll always remember the encounter at the arcade...muaahahha I thought who's this guy who keeps looking at Ben playing the shooting game - I even gave him an odd look! wuahahhaha) on friendster and he thinks I look good in those pics. Well, I don't look half as good in real life, I suppose. I make pictures look better, that's all.. thanks to technology. Ho! Ho! Ho! Posted by Hello

Monday, November 22, 2004

My (current) friendster picture!! Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Excited Mimi getting ready to go out (can't remember where she was supposed to go, though.. memory fails me).. wearing her cute pink socks and her roller shoes beside her. Oh now I think I remember.. they were supposed to go to M-Square. Posted by Hello

Secret to how you can get frizzy hair; french-braid 'em first!! Like this. Posted by Hello

"I'm a future accountant and this is my party-goer-frizzy hair," says Ning who had a free hair-frizzing session.  Posted by Hello

The after-effects of french braid. Cool frizz, eh? Posted by Hello

"Hello," says the neighbour's-dog. Its master is presumely away for vacation and this dog finds its way to our home.. and man, now only I realise we often adopt dogs. Correction, Daddy is the one welcoming dogs to our house. Posted by Hello

Quite into Yves Rocher (that's French!) products currently. Over here, I have the radiant mask and hydrating moisturising gel-cream.  Posted by Hello

The usual site where my laptop stays downstairs. I was about to have a late lunch that time.. and yea, not surprising to see me eat in front of my laptop.  Posted by Hello

The Sims maniatics

The usual three kids fumbling with The Sims again. One thing I find amusing; they love cashing in money using the cheatcode. I just heard Bel could cash in til the max, $9999999? Posted by Hello

Friday, November 19, 2004

"Hi, we are lovable kids who are lovely and love dogs like Scooby" Posted by Hello

Scoob, looks here, scoob!!! I wanna take a nice photo with you, screams Mimi. Posted by Hello

Such a sweet site!! Lovely, lovely. Look at the graphics. I think I've ever registered one, but it isn't as cool as BLogger. Wuahahhahaha. Posted by Hello

Scooby lazing around.... (err..) under the car, his favourite spot to escape from the tropical heat. Posted by Hello