Saturday, August 28, 2004

Kuching town (oh, it should be city, I reckon) still looks quite small and undeveloped from this point of view. Posted by Hello

If only my hostel in Shah Alam can be this nice, with a fridge, a microwave oven and hotplate stove, I bet I can do better in studies. By the way, this is Somerset Gateway Apartment we stayed in. Posted by Hello

What are two medical students doing, trying to fix this thing? Take a wild guess. Posted by Hello

Thursday, August 26, 2004

This is picture perfect! Look at me taking the pic, the girl looking out the window, the girl trying to look into the camera I was holding and the boy trying out the exercise machine.  Posted by Hello

The playground we used to play long long time ago. The childhood days. Now the slide is broken, the horses are worn out, everything looks small from my eyes. Time flies, aint it? Posted by Hello

Ananas. Pineapple. Huang Li. Nanas.  Posted by Hello

I hate looking round in pictures but I am just that round. Argghh. I think I can win the award for roundest face. Back to the real story; we were eating Sunny Hill icecream. the one beside me is Niny, my sis's friend in uni. The double scooped icecream was Kelvin's but he had to snap our pic, therefore his absence was felt in this pic. I now feel really bad for not offering to snap a pic with him in it.  Posted by Hello

That's Sarawak river, believe it or not! Posted by Hello

Scooby is loving it!! He loves the dog bowl so much. Look at its odd sitting position as it enjoyed its lunch (or was it dinner? Not too sure). Little did this little doggie know that the camera was aiming at it. Posted by Hello

It has been such a long time since I last posted something here. So here goes one pic.. a starter to the rest; sis's friend's Kelvin's family invited us for a dinner. Scrumptious, delicious and mouth-watering. How could I shed those extra kilos in the midst of such a feast? As expected, I failed to do so.. leading to obesity getting worse on me. Sigh. But food there was great Posted by Hello