Saturday, June 19, 2004

Me, the still-innocent third former girl who tried to act cool wearing a self-designed uniform, posing in front of the MOE. I love that place.. so neat so new! Posted by Hello

My desk in secondary school. Messy as usual! Posted by Hello

U huh.. guess where is this... Posted by Hello

"The tide is high.." or was it "Flybye flybye" Posted by Hello

Daddy is so soldierie!! How come he wasn't that fat? Aikkss which I could be as thin as him during his younger days. Wuahahahahhaa... Posted by Hello

My house has turned into a play school!! Posted by Hello

Friday, June 18, 2004

That's my house!! Alright, it does look old-fashioned, but heck, it's still a fine house. The spot where my sister and I were standing was our multi-purpose court; cycling, badminton, chulup game etc etc. We even had half the house fenced up so that naughty dogs won't rush out. Posted by Hello

So proud of this car. Our on Bluebird!! Now it sure looks classic. Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Our primary school farewell party. Notice we had white-laminated desks in school. How cool! Posted by Hello

Such a classic pic I've got here! It's Dad's training.. I think. Some jungle training. He even claims that he has been to trainings tougher than National Service Posted by Hello

Whoa.. to be named Tokoh Student of the year.. that feeling was superbly great. I never expected it actually. I wasn't a prefect, neither did I get top in class that year. God has always got surprises for me, eh? And this is a pic taken with my primary six class teacher, Mdm Theresa Teng (yeah.. notice her name!). While I was the student of her class, her son was the student of my mum's class.  Posted by Hello

Fellow juniors, you're our pride! Yo... but err.. this pic is a bit dark. But nevermind, you sure can see their faces beaming.. happy faces as they proclaimed their survivals of the camp. Posted by Hello

Life used to be so fun.. KFC maniatics.. but now, we are all scattered here and there... facing challenges in life. Sigh. Posted by Hello

Farewell, seniors.. Ugh, I was one of the seniors!! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Alrighty, my super-duper funny friend, Stephen, who loves silly acts like this! We were on our way back from KK (night flight). Tired we all were, he saw the wheelchairs and decided to use them as chairs... for him to sit on! Posted by Hello

This boy is a pure banana!!! I refused to speak English to him, so in the end, he refused to even talk to me. HHmmmphHHhh... but of course, I gave up my attempt to make him be at least a lil proud about his own ethnicity. Nicknamed him Jop! Posted by Hello

This is like the 'Miri's Parkson' for us in Lower Hutt. It's my favourite place in Lower Hutt, in fact. Name? It's called Westfield Queensgate. I think the hypermarket Foodtown is in there.. and man, we love buying hams (they are cheap!!) and eat 'em to fill our empty stomachs. Posted by Hello

Lord of the rings.. lord of the rings... courtenay place.. courtenay place... wellington... wellington... aoteroa... aoteroa... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Hey... spent Sing dollar 20 or so to enter this House of Shadows. It was freakingly scary. I was shouting non-stop when we toured the house. Man, at least I figured out I have talent in screaming. Whooaaa..  Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Kelson school is fun. Classrooms look like jungles. Ah, the theme was some rainforest thingy, so the kids turned their classrooms (about the size of two or three normal classrooms combined) into green jungles - trees, leaves etc etc. I think school is just about having fun there. So these swings are situated outside Kelson school. We, who sent Ivy girl to school (obviously, she was schooling in Kelson School), took the opportunity to be kids once more; that's by invading the playground after the bell went off. It was a nice playground all to us. Whoaa.. and the breezy, cold weather added on the fun too. Posted by Hello

Oh dear.. this is so nostalgic. It seems like those were just few days ago.. now after counting, it has been some six years since I left primary school! And truly, farewell, OTS! Those were my childhood days.. I definitely remember well. (By the way, Cary's mum is really a good baker.. delicious cake!) Posted by Hello

One more week to go before I say farewell to this wonderful laptop of mine. Managed to get my hair treated, yay! It looks neater and more manageable now, I guess. How do I look?  Posted by Hello

Friday, June 11, 2004

I will miss the messy desks.. Posted by Hello

Goodbye SS15, home to me for the past five months... Posted by Hello

Though many still remember me as Kuching girl, I proudly presend Miri, the lil town at the north of the state. Notice the stadium. It's currently undergoing massive reconstruction. What's more? Pustaka, the building which looks like the Colloseum was not insight during this time when this picture was take. Many have changed, in fact. Posted by Hello